Expressive Therapy



Trauma is often stored in the body as sensations, symbols, and images which can be difficult to access in traditional talk therapy. Expressive therapy provides opportunities to express these feelings, perceptions, thoughts, and memories in ways that words cannot. This non-directive approach recognises the body’s natural capacity for healing and growth and allows you to set your own pace towards peace and self-understanding.

Expressive Therapy

Creative Expression

Expressive therapy uses symbols, art, movement and music to help process and integrate experiences held in the unconscious which are too difficult or painful to talk about. Our therapists believe that each person is the expert in their own lives and when given the opportunity to connect with their inner worlds and experiences, they can achieve meaningful change.

Clients often speak about having accessed traditional therapies such as CBT for years without significant or lasting change and seek out expressive therapy as a way of processing held traumas which talk therapy has been unable to achieve. Expressive therapy provides an approach which incorporates deep self-understanding and self-expression, and supports you to locate your innate strengths and resources whilst processing past experiences which stop you from living a fulfilling life .

Expressive therapy is particularly helpful for people who may struggle to verbalise their experience, including young children, those who lack strong language skills, adolescents who are reluctant to talk, or people who have experienced trauma which words have been unable to heal.

Creative Expressive Arts Therapy Albury Wodonga, Victoria

Anxiety is the working of a strong, healthy brain that’s a little overprotective. It’s not troubled, it’s not broken. It’s creative, strong, brave, intelligent, empathetic – and a little overprotective.

Karen Young